The Best Trampoline Exercises

Trampolines are not just for fun, they can also be a great tool for exercise. Bouncing on a trampoline provides a low-impact workout that can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and even boost balance and coordination.

If you’re looking to switch up your exercise routine, consider incorporating some trampoline exercises into your regimen.

Here are some of the best trampoline exercises to try:

1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that can easily be done on a trampoline.

Start by standing in the center of the trampoline, then jump up, spreading your arms and legs out to the sides.

As you land, bring your arms and legs back in to starting position. Repeat for a set amount of time or reps.

2. High Knees

High knees are a great way to get your heart rate up and work your leg muscles.

Simply stand in the center of the trampoline and start running in place, bringing your knees up as high as you can with each step.

Try to maintain a fast pace for maximum benefits.

3. Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are a powerful lower body exercise that can help strengthen your quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

To do squat jumps on a trampoline, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart.

Lower down into a squat position, then explosively jump up as high as you can.

Land softly back in a squat position and repeat.

4. 360-Degree Jump

360-degree jumps are a fun and challenging exercise that can help improve your balance and coordination.

To do a 360-degree jump on a trampoline, start by jumping up and twisting your body to do a full rotation in the air before landing back on the trampoline.

As you get more comfortable with the movement, try to increase the speed and height of your jumps.

5. Plank Bounces

Plank bounces are a great core-strengthening exercise that can also work your upper body and legs.

Start in a plank position on the trampoline with your hands directly under your shoulders.

Engage your core and jump your feet out to the sides, then back in towards your hands.

Continue bouncing in and out for a challenging full-body workout.


In conclusion, trampolines can be a versatile and effective tool for exercise.

By incorporating these best trampoline exercises into your routine, you can experience a fun and engaging workout that targets multiple muscle groups and improves overall fitness levels.

So next time you’re looking to switch up your exercise routine, consider giving trampoline exercises a try.