Despite Championing Healthy Lifestyle, America’s Crush Olivia Dunne Spills Beans on Her Secret Cheat-Meal

Olivia Dunne, a well-known fitness influencer in America, is known for championing a healthy lifestyle and promoting clean eating habits.

However, recently she shocked her followers by admitting to having a secret cheat meal.

Despite her dedication to staying fit and healthy, even Olivia Dunne can’t resist the occasional indulgence.

Let’s dive into the details of Olivia Dunne’s secret cheat meal and why it’s important to indulge every once in a while.

1. All in Moderation

While Olivia Dunne is a firm believer in eating clean and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, she also understands the importance of balance.

Indulging in a cheat meal every now and then allows her to satisfy her cravings without feeling guilty.

By practicing moderation, she is able to enjoy her favorite foods while still staying on track with her fitness goals.

2. Mental Health Benefits

It’s no secret that food has a powerful impact on our mood and overall mental well-being.

For Olivia Dunne, allowing herself to enjoy a cheat meal helps alleviate any feelings of restriction or deprivation that may come with a strict diet.

Indulging in her favorite comfort foods provides a sense of comfort and satisfaction, ultimately improving her mental health and overall happiness.

3. Fueling Workouts

As a fitness influencer, Olivia Dunne leads an active lifestyle and is constantly pushing her body to its limits.

While her usual diet consists of nutrient-dense foods to fuel her workouts and recovery, a cheat meal can provide a much-needed energy boost.

Indulging in a cheat meal filled with carbs and fats can help replenish glycogen stores and provide the extra calories needed for intense physical activity.

4. Building a Sustainable Relationship with Food

By being open about her cheat meal habits, Olivia Dunne is sending a powerful message to her followers about building a healthy relationship with food. It’s important to enjoy food in a balanced and mindful way, without feeling guilty or ashamed.

By incorporating cheat meals into her routine, she is demonstrating that it’s possible to enjoy treats in moderation while still prioritizing overall health and well-being.


Despite championing a healthy lifestyle, even fitness influencers like Olivia Dunne indulge in cheat meals from time to time.

By practicing moderation, enjoying the mental health benefits, fueling her workouts, and building a sustainable relationship with food, Olivia Dunne proves that it’s okay to indulge every once in a while.

It’s important to remember that perfection is not necessary when it comes to diet and fitness, and finding a balance that works for you is key to long-term success.

So go ahead and treat yourself to a cheat meal every now and then – just like Olivia Dunne does!